How can I obtain these mob heads? 

The mob heads drop from mobs that are killed by charged creepers (creepers which have been struck by lightning). 

How many mobs drop their heads? 

There are 206 unique heads that you can obtain (not including the vanilla heads). 

All heads (except the Wither and Vex heads) drop from mobs with specific data values. 

Wither -  Will drop 1 to 3 random wither heads when killed by a Charged Creeper.

Vex - Have a 50/50 chance of dropping a Vex head or a Charging Vex head. 

Is there a limit to the number of mob heads that drop per explosion? 

No, as long as a mob is killed by a charged creeper's explosion, it will drop a head. 

Is the mob head drop rate 100%? 


Will the charged creeper definitely kill a mob, or do I need to take into consideration a mobs health? 

For most mobs, they're a one-shot from a charged creeper explosion, but some mobs (such as ravagers, withers and wardens) are not, so you will have to weaken these mobs first. 

What size of slime/magma cube drop heads? 

All sizes of the mob drop their respective mob heads. 

How can I preview what the mob heads look like? 

To preview over 200 mob heads, click here  to view it on our website or download the datapack below!

For a personal list, click here.

To see them in-game, download this datapack and put it into your world's datapacks folder.
Then open the world (or run /reload) and run this command: function pandamium.mob_heads:give_all

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