/msg <playerName> <message> → privately sends the message to the specified player
/trigger afk → toggles your AFK mode
/trigger clear → clears your inventory
/trigger discord → gives you the Pandamium Discord link
/trigger gift → allows you to gift a reward credit to another player, 15 minute cooldown
/trigger leaderboards → displays playtime and voting leaderboards in chat
/trigger mail → to send items and messages to other players on the server, even if they're offline! [Learn More]
/trigger options → allows you to toggle keep inventory, phantom spawning, tpa requests and more!
/trigger parkour → opens a menu with your time and option to teleport to the parkour course
/trigger playtime → shows your playtime
/trigger respawn → kills you and allows you to get back to your spawn point quickly
/trigger search_players → allows you to search offline player names to get their ID.
/trigger sit → makes you sit down
/trigger tpa → lists all online player's IDs
/trigger world_info → shows the number of players and entities per dimension
/trigger home or /trigger home set <id> → teleports you to your home
/trigger homes → shows your homes
/trigger delhome or /trigger delhome set <id> → deletes a home
/trigger sethome or /trigger sethome set <id> → sets a home
/trigger namehome or /trigger namehome set <id> → allows you to set the name of your home.
/trigger enderman_farm → teleports you to the enderman farm in the end dimension
/trigger home or /trigger home set <id> → teleports you to your home
/trigger rtp → randomly teleports you (same as walking into the RTP portal at spawn)
/trigger spawn → teleports you to spawn
/trigger tpa set <id> → sends a teleport request to the specified player
/trigger vote → gives you links to websites where you can vote for the server
/trigger vote_shop or /trigger rewards_shop → opens a menu where you can spend your reward credits
/trigger enderchest → allows you to swap between your inventory with your enderchest!
/trigger flair → allows you to add a little emoji next to your name for added flair!
/trigger frame_visibility → allows you to make item frames invisible
/trigger hat → puts the item in your hand onto your head
/trigger item_font → allows you to change the font/color of the custom name of the item you are holding
/trigger particles → opens a menu where you can switch between particle effects
/trigger pose → when looking at an armor stand, opens a customization menu
/trigger sign_font → allows you to change the font/color of the sign you are looking at
/afk → toggle your afk status
/clear → clears your inventory
/discord → gives you the Pandamium Discord link
/playtime → shows your total playtime on the server
/playtimetop → shows a ranking of all players sorted by playtime
/respawn → kills you and allows you to get back to your spawn point quickly
/warp → allows you to use warps
/world_info → shows you stats about your current dimension
/home <homeName> → teleports you to the specified home
/homes → shows you a list of your homes
/sethome <homeName> → sets a home with the specified name
/chat → allows you use chat rooms (you can start your msg with ! to write in public)
/ignore <playerName> → blocks chat and messages of a player
/mail clear → clear mail
/mail read → read mail
/mail send <playername> → send mail to specified player. Can be sent to offline players
/msg <playerName> <message> → privately sends the msg to the specified player
/reply <message> or /r <message> → responds to the last private msg you received
/home <homeName> → teleports you to the specified home
/spawn → teleports you to the spawn
/tpa <playerName> → sends a teleport request to the specified player
/tpaccept → accepts a teleport request
/tpdeny → denies a teleport request
/votes → shows your vote count
/votecredits → tells you how many reward credits you currently have
/voteshop → opens the voteshop
/votetop → shows a ranking of all players sorted by votes
/armorstand → change armor stand settings
/dye → change the color of leather armor
/enderchest or /ec → opens your ender chest
/hat → puts the block you're currently holding on your head
/item_font → allows you to change the font/color of the custom name of the item you are holding
/particles → opens a menu where you can switch between particle effects
/sign_font → allows you to change the font/color of the sign you are looking at
/workbench or /wb → opens a crafting table
/faq → displays a list of frequently asked questions
/ip → prints the server IP
/playerlist → shows you a list of all online players
/quote → covert a Discord Link into an Embed